

Here is a little background

Hi there, my name is Thierry Pitela Santos, a full-stack developer with 24 years old and who loves technology, mainly involving design and front-end. I've been a software development student since 2017 and I graduated as a Software Engineer at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). Self-motivated, passionate, hardworking developer with a bent towards the development of customized interfaces taking into account accessibility and security. Always looking to improve my knowledge and to implement the best programming practices. Let's have a coffee ☕



Prefeitura Municipal de Ponta Grossa

IT Support

Oct 2018 - Oct 2019

  • Created technical support tickets and solving various problems directly with customers in various locations in the city.
  • Provided personalized training for new customers, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction.
  • Resolved numerous technical issues on various systems and applications for customers and end users.
  • Prepared new equipment and mobile devices in accordance with the company's internal software policies and following security guidelines.
  • Acted as an intermediary between the relationship between the company and end customers, providing clarification to customers about new software or hardware available for use.

Fullstack Developer - Delphi


FigmaAzure DevOpsFirebirdDockerTortoise SVNGimpPascal DelphiGit

Oct 2019 - Present

  • Acted in charge of revising, modularizing and updating legacy code bases to modern development standards required by the company, reducing operating costs and improving functionality.
  • Acted proactively, demonstrating critical thinking skills, decisive judgment and with minimal supervision, even when manipulating databases and non-dominated technologies.
  • In charge of substantiating, implementing and testing multiple system interfaces, simplifying overall management and offering ease of use.
  • Actively collaborated in the systems development life cycle stages, mainly involving the use of Agile Methodologies, from requirements gathering to production releases.
  • In charge of coordinating and cooperating with the project management team regarding development schedules and project scope.
  • Actively acted in the introduction and adaptation of the team in the main concepts of agile methodologies and best development practices for products.


Hover over a skill for current proficiency

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Case Study 1 of 13: Netflix UI Intreface - API

JavascriptReact jsHTMLCSS

A web project developed with react, html and css that explores the power of the Netflix API while exploring concepts of responsiveness and interactive design, replicating the interface of one of the biggest video platforms on the market.

Case Study 2 of 13: Parking Backend

Spring FrameworkJavaIntellij

In this project I had the challenge of developing a set of APIs using Spring Boot to control a parking lot. The entry, exit and amount to be charged from the customer will be controlled. All API development best practices were applied, including security with Spring Security and access to PostgreSQL databases. Tests and test coverage reports were performed. After completion, the app was deployed to the Heroku cloud in order to make our API available to the Internet. user: user password: 12345

Case Study 3 of 13: HABITS - Daily Routine Setup

JavascriptFigmaReact NativeTailwind CSSTypescriptPrisma ORM

A simple and intuitive application developed with React, prisma , Typescript and Render that allows users to define goals for their routines through a panel of dates. It is possible to create goals for your day to day, in a simple and dynamic way. It makes it easy to manage your tasks and progress on a daily basis. It also provides google authentication, but considering google's free plans it can fail sometimes.

Case Study 4 of 13: Twitter Interface UI

React jsTypescriptHTMLCSS

This project is a Twitter user interface (UI) clone using React focused on addressing the fundamentals of this technology such as componentization, properties, state, forms, etc.

Case Study 5 of 13: Pokedex Cool

JavascriptReact jsHTMLCSS

A react project exploring javascript concepts and animation libraries. In addition, the Pokemon API was used to exemplify the item listing. The project also features responsive design, pagination and a distinctive design.

Case Study 6 of 13: Menu theme-switcher

JavascriptReact jsTypescript

A simple React frontend project to exercise concepts such as customizable hooks, application states and contexts, as well as color manipulation using styled-components

Case Study 7 of 13: Landing Page - ADVOCACY


A project developed using pure javascript in order to explore the capabilities of the language. The objective was to develop a landing page for a law firm, exploring the main concepts of responsiveness and interface design.

Case Study 8 of 13: Move it

JavascriptNext jsReact jsTypescript

Based on the pomodoro technique, move.it aims to help people who stay in front of the computer for long periods and end up not exercising, challenging the user in a fun way. move.it is an application developed during Next Level Week #3 - ReactJs Trail - hosted by Rocketseat Features Start a 25 minute cycle. - Abandon cycle. - Fires a sound effect when the cycle comes to an end. - Sends a notification when the cycle ends. - Each cycle releases a new challenge. - User earns XP for every challenge completed. - User can level up.

Case Study 9 of 13: Discord UI App

JavascriptReact jsHTMLCSSSupabase

Project created in React immersion with @alura, whose objective was to explore websocket communication concepts for a Dsicord-style conversation chat. In it, it is possible for several people to communicate simultaneously, in addition to allowing the sending of gifs and images. /projects_img/ Just connect your github account and enjoy it xD

Case Study 10 of 13: Event Platform

React jsGraph QLTailwind CSSTypescript

This project is a web event platform made with React, Typescript, GraphQL, GraphCMS and other modern web development technologies.

Case Study 11 of 13: Feedback Widget

React jsTailwind CSSTypescriptPrisma ORMNode js

Widget built at NLW Returns with accessibility and using the best technologies on the market. The main idea is to provide a way that users can send feedbacks. The application is divided between web and server, so this is only the visual template.

Case Study 12 of 13: GitBlog


A stylish application that allows you to view issues in your repository with greater clarity. In this project, the best practices in the scope of frontend development were applied, from the use of context apis, to the creation of customizable Hooks to the use of functions such as memo and useCallback to optimize page renderings.

Case Study 13 of 13: Coffee Delivery


An application for controlling coffee delivery, using the main React structures such as useReducer and context api, in addition to providing an interactive and responsive interface.


I have got just what you need. Lets Talk.

+55 (42) 920003054


Ponta Grossa - Paraná , BR